July 12, 2018


I'm Emma, I'm a creative girl based in Bristol. I enjoy fashion and beauty, food and adventures, all the things your average girl would enjoy.

I attended the University of the West of England and have degree in Drawing & Print, I've also done film making at college, so I like to think of myself as a productive person with a vision.

My days off usually consist of drawing, reading and sitting in the garden with a bowl of sliced banana and coconut yogurt (honestly, try it.). I'm also a bit of a sucker for a video game session.

I try my best to make those around me happy and enjoy my presence, but I don't forget about my own self care either. So I hope you enjoy reading my blog!
Feel free to comment and share, and my contact details are on my CONTACT ME page if you would like to get in touch.

Love , Emma.
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